Vintage Barbie Doll Dress Tutorial at Mellebugandme
"At christmas time I bought Amelia a very cheap barbie doll at Coles (I have no idea what the difference is between the more expensive but it certainly does the trick). This in turn led me to delve into my own dolls clothes I had growing up so as to play dress ups with Amelia. Due to Barbie doll clothes being ultra expenisive when I was young just about all of my dolls clothes (which to my mums surprise was quite a lot, she wonders where she found the time) were either sewn or knitted and luckily I have held onto some of these. The one I liked the most was this very cute dress but because the lace had deterioated around the arms it was no longer usable, aha I thought to myself, time for a little unpicking and remaking..." Read more
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