Funny Animals, Part 8 - Page 1


Read previous parts here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Could it be that funny animals outnumber funny people?

As always in this series, we celebrate the photography of animals in real situations (trying to stay away from any image modifications). The funniest and wildest shots prove that animals can give great moments of hilarity and entertainment for the often glum and humorless mankind.

Some photos were taken by submitters, some hunted down from the web or through emails, without definite attribution info. For such pictures we ask the viewers to let us know who the original photographers are, so that we could include this info.

We traditionally start with the Cute Section:

(image credit: Callisto113)

(image credit: Igor Siwanowich)

An Adorable Piglet (Photos by Richard Austin):

(images credit: Richard Austin)

Scratch it!

Tree Kangaroo:

(image credit: WhoopsVision)

Rare lemur triplets were born in Palm Beach Zoo:

(images credit: Palm Beach Post)

Baby ringtail lemur, part of the ringtail lemurs set:

(images credit: Ryan Ladbrook)

Endearing Sloths:

Nothing's quite as cute as pandas:

16 baby pandas were born in The Sichuan Wolong Panda Breed & Protection Center (Sichuan, China). The brood includes five sets of twins. Once weaned, the panda cubs will attend panda kindergarten. In the meantime, more little ones are expected at the center since 38 giant pandas were artificially impregnated:


The Ugly (not by choice) Section

Galapagos Tortoise, looking like a portrait of E.T.

(image credit: Ucumari)

(image credit: Spontaneous)


Birds join the fun

(original unknown)

(original unknown)

Groovy owls:

(original unknown)

Quite a character:

(image credit: Ucumari)


Down on the farm (and all around it)

(image credit: Dave Medissn)

(image credit: Ezhi)


Animals Having Fun


(image credit: Chrissydudemeister)

(image credit: Valerie (Ucumari))

(image credit: China Photo)

Doing Acrobatics:

Happily ignoring signs:

...and doing something about it:

(image via)

Blatantly trespassing:

Bears pretending to be oil workers:

(sent by email)

A bear got in trouble again, getting stuck in a bridge near Tahoe, prompting a full-scale rescue operation:

(images credit: Tahoe Daily Tribune)

Good Advice: "Why trampolines are dangerous":

(image credit: Neatorama)


Read previous parts here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


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