Animals Having Fun, Part 9


Read previous parts here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Nature's Comedy: Animals are NATURALLY funny

Some are ugly, some are cute, but all possess that natural quality of expression that can not be faked, because well, animals do not know how to pose for photographs. They do not care for lighting or exposure, and photographers need equal amount of skill and sheer luck to catch that perfect animal picture.

The Cutest of the Bunch

(photo by Ekaterina Pokrovskaya)

Shake my little hand:

Chilling Out

"Sad" is an understatement

Out of the box:

Domesticated? Hardly -

(photo by Dmitriy Konstantinov)

(image credit: Mikhno)

(image credit: Abyss)

The call of the wild:

Just give me a gun -

Tricky Situations:

Monkeys & Apes

Getting around (with) the crocodiles:

(image credit: AFP Photo/William West)

The Weirdest of them all

Bird's Life

Need good brakes:

Loose among the humans

and finally:
Celebrities and Animals Look-Alikes! -

Grandma was very proud to forward us this series of images. She said she liked Lennon the most.
(original unknown)

For uncredited photos please let us know who the original photographers are, so that we could include this info. Wherever credits are known, photos are published by permission of original photographers


Previous Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


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