"The Insect Circus" & The Original Fab Four Band


What "The Beatles" did not know when they started...

Here is a cool link to the Traveling Museum and Emporium of "The Insect Circus", apparently a fine British establishment since ... ah, possibly 1964. Featuring irresistible attractions such as "a bearded ladybug" or the "Liberty Beetle":

The site also has an extensive material related to the famous Sixties group "The Peaple":

Including signed by Don Lemon himself copy of Peaple's seminal 1967 album: "Capt. Cicadella's Insect Circus Band"! -

(images credit: Insect Circus)

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Make sure you invite this Traveling Circus to visit your city, if you live in UK. (Courtesy of VanderWorld)



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