Creative Ads, Issue 8


Commercial Weirdness Showcase

Pure commercialism aside, there are some visual and conceptual masterpieces out there; this next installment in our highly popular series covers print, urban, and viral advertisements, chosen for originality and lasting impression.

Water Dress

(images credit: Gigazine, Japan)

Truly multi-lingual:

This could be a good addition to our page about dedicated photographers:

True, true:

Chupa-Chups good visual:

Another effective use of sea-creatures:

Check your sight! -

Send a letter!

Spooky stuff:

Deliver pizza anywhere...

For less irritable babies:

The "Sad Demise of a Skier" Ad:

As usual, PS2 ads were probably the weirdest:

You almost feel like that in the morning, sometimes... -

The Perfect Man has arrived:

(image credit: Vincent Dixon)

This "human parts" theme seems to be popular:
(both images are creations of Gregor Collienne)

(images credit: Gregor Collienne)

Some seriously skewed interior design:

it could get worse:

(image credit: Gregor Collienne)

Don't spend your life at work:
(chainsaw ad)

More chainsaws:

This is definitely not sanctioned by Nike:

Lee Jeans Australia:

Anti-smoking campaigns:

(image credit: Gregor Collienne)

"If you don't preserve nature by installing solar panels, who will?"

Here is a fragment of that ad, click to see full version:

Same little guys star in this ad for the "World's Oldest Zoo":

Here is a puzzling one:

Headphones Engineered to Inspire:

Good Vehicle Ads

New Audi makes everything else go pale:

Poor bathroom plant... Great ad for "Land Rover":

New way to make roads:

(image credit: Frank Uyttenhove)

Urban & Viral Advertising

Need ideas to sizzle up your love life? Read FHM:

in WC:

Promotion for "Spiderman" movie:

Schizophrenia can be treated. Seek help! -

Billboards & Highway Ads

Really boring ad:

Sun dial:

Here are some obviously fake, but still funny billboards:

(image credit: Worth1000)

(images credit: Dribbleglass)

Food & Drink

This is simply genius:

(original unknown)

Eat more fish (poster from 1910)

and then, "Root out disgusting fungi" -

Dreaming of a Mediterranean cruise?

So after all this commercial visual bliss, let us finish with a few anti-advertisement pictures:

Starbucks in Pakistan?

Never eat Doritos again!
(do not worry, these are not bugs, just strange sea creatures)

Sources: Ads of the World, Adme.Ru, Knuttz, Advertka, Exler, Kuteev, Pantherhouse



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