Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Music Videos Made by the US Navy
USS Enterprise crew lets loose with Numa Numa:
Here is their competitors from another Navy Carrier with a "Pump It" surfing theme:
And Ladies of the US Navy have their own little video:
Cool Links and Pictures for today:
Click to enlarge images.
Italian village Manarola, one of the five coastal villages of Cinque Terre:
(original unknown)
Here is Vernazza, another Cinque Terre village:
(image credit: Avi Abrams)
One very crazy PC case mod, made by DeathStarChris:
(see more at Fusion Mods)
(image credit: Fusion Mods)
The Whale Highway:
(see the whole presentation "Life Beneath Antarctic Ice" here)
(Photo copyright: Norbert Wu)
(original unknown)
Mixed fresh links for today:
Floating Words Artwork by Annie Vought - [art]
Saddam treasures for sale - [interesting]
Fascinating Typography - [flickr set]
The Beaufort Scale - [picture]
Rescue: Bear jumps the bridge, scared by cars - [pics]
"Last Supper" use in advertising - [creative coincidences]
Fake photos of celebrities by Alison Jackson - [funny pics]
Easy Way to Win a Bet - [cool trick]
Physical Limits of Juggling - [wow video]
We already linked to this excellent article article "7 Unusual Propeller-Driven Vehicles". One our addition to the list would be this crazy armored vehicle concoction, made in 1905:
"Sizaire-Berwick Wind Wagon, 1905":
Do your shopping in style:
(original unknown)
Loyalist Bonfire set up for the 12th July in Northern Ireland.
(thanks, Merrionsq)
Saving Grace:
Permanent Link...
Dark Roasted Blend's Photography Gear Picks:
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