Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Great Independent Music Video
"Worms" by Dutch director Sil Van Der Woerd. This experimental underground music video shows Lolly Jane Blue on her way down the earth layers; a journey leading to a swirling underwater climax...
Click here for larger (high-resolution) version.
Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.
PIVO 2 Concept Car with the fully rotating cabin
Scheduled to appear at the 40th Tokyo Motor Show, this is a radical approach to urban mini-car design. The Pivo 2 features a 360-degree revolving cabin, plus a weird Japanese spin-off of R2D2 - your own personal robot who can read your face expressions for interaction.
See more pictures here and read info about it.
Coffee Art Gone Bad:
Many, many bikes:
(are better than many cars)
(original unknown)
Mixed fresh links for today:
What has happened to Saturn's moon? - [space]
Tom Cruise Prepares for Aliens, more info - [strange]
5 of the Biggest Gangs - [interesting]
Mind-blowing Audio Illusion - [audio]
Very Strange Pigs!! - [animals]
Animals in formalin preservation - [gross pics] - via
Scarecrows of the World - [weird]
Traveling the skies in 1961 - [vintage]
Russian SUV goes extreme! - [car video]
"Liquid Kiss" Sculpture - via
(image credit: myconfinedspace)
Raw Power:
(original unknown)
Beligian Autochromists: Color Photographs from 1910
This interesting gallery showcases the poignant works of three Belgian autochromists: Paul Sano, Charles Corbet and Alfonse Van Besten. The Autochrome Lumière is an early photography process that makes the final image look like painting. Matthias Sanne writes: "These are some of the first colored photographs ever. The photographers didn't "just take a picture", they were true artists/painters who composed some very beautiful images, resembling the best paintings of the era."
And the most mysterious photo (close encounters of the Victorian kind):
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