South Korean Subway Goes Extreme


Halloween Reigns Underground

In the dark misty depths and tunnels of Seoul's subway an explosion of colors and decoration is taking place. It starts with obligatory pumpkins and veggies, but certainly does not stop there:

There are discussions underway to make a similar display in Hong Kong subway, as well. These cities are no strangers to viral campaigns.

The commuters there have already enjoyed the hardwood floors in subway cars:

(image credit: superlocal)

They have Mickey Mouse customized trains:
(going to Hong Kong's Disneyland)

(image credit: Ryan Cordell)

And they can look forward to a lively X-Mas:

(image credit:

However, there will be always those soundly asleep, no matter what:

Korean (and Japanese) schoolgirls seem to have a knack for that:

(image credit: merriwether)


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