Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Truly Original Piece of Film-Making:
"Apnii" Short Film: Three seconds of real life, examined.
Click to enlarge images.
Scary Mountain Path in Himalayas:
(from this great portfolio)
(image credit: Dima Chatrov)
From the same photographer: Chinese Sleeping Bus -
(image credit: Dima Chatrov)
Crazy weather:
(original unknown)
The worst place for a house:
Mixed fresh links for today:
Perhaps the biggest engineering project in the world - [article]
Craziest CAPTCHAS on the web - [pics]
Ingenious Halo 3 spot - [wow video]
It's not happening here, but it's happening now - [cool ads]
8 Needlessly Detailed Articles on Wikipedia - [weird]
Playing with the sky - [flickr set]
Low-flying Aircraft - [wow video]
Big Robot "Horse" and Small Smart Climber - [videos]
George Bush speaking politics - [fun video]
Architects and engineers compete to see whose team can build the most spectacular structure using little more than cans of food at Canstruction, the 13th annual NYC Design and Build competition in New York .
Sent in by Barbara, thanks
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