Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
One of the best car chases of all time:
"Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia"
Italian / Russian comedy (1974)
"Matta, Matta, Matta Corsa in Russia" (imdb), directed by Franco Prosperi (of the "Mondo Cane" fame) and Eldar Ryazanov. All the car stunt work is by legendary Sergio Mioni, performed on apparently indestructible Russian cars. This video shows only the first part of a longer chase sequence.
Click to enlarge images.
Little feet:
(original unknown)
(image credit: Photosight)
Great animal photography by Paul Bratescu:
(image credit: Paul Bratescu)
Mixed fresh links for today:
The Power of Numbers: An American Self-Portrait - [art]
Earth in 250 Million Years - [picture]
Si Scott's Eye Candy - [gorgeous designs]
Giant Crabs! - [nature]
Cosmic "Structures" Around Our Milky Way - [picture]
Top 10 Bizarre Disasters - [interesting]
Underwater Photography Portfolio - [nature]
Monty Python - Army Protection Racket - [fun video]
Mobile Phone Salesman Sings Opera - [wow video]
Love on the edge:
(image credit: stranger)
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