Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Biggest Car Stunt Ever Attempted:
You would think that the guy would have investigated the laws of physics first. Still, it's great for the daring and the anticipation.
Click to enlarge images.
Combination of the blue skies & shapely chrome:
(we love everything about this picture)
(original unknown)
Look what grew in my sink!
(nature has a way of reminding about itself... when you come back after 6 months of travelling.)
(image credit: Fraland)
Great way to make some tea:
(image credit: TravellersPoint)
Interesting steampunk headwear at the "Burning Man" event:
(original unknown)
Mixed fresh links for today:
New Street Installations by Mark Jenkins: - [art]
Faces, visible in places and objects - [flickr pool]
Chicken, according to Christopher Walken - [recipe]
World's Largest Chocolate Fountain - [pics & videos] - via
Sad story of clean electric transportation demise in 1906 - [auto]
Sex Life of the Robots (slightly nsfw) - [cool video] - via
Best Escalator Adverts - [cool ads]
Great Car Commercial: Crash Ballet - [wow video]
Still Good... after all these years - [hilarious videos]
Lightning in Seattle:
(image credit: Vaisala)
The "Tube Cape" in Far East Russia:
an interesting rock formation (Botinok)
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