Clear & concise signs are boring. These are better.
Since our last post a month ago sign designers upped themselves in the realm of undecipherable and bizarre. Many readers have been sending to us the examples of "street / traffic / washroom" sign entertainment, and we can't help but share them with you. Have a look:
Traffic & Street Signs:
Great speed limit sign:
Good zebras:
Almost straight:
Nowhere to go...
(image credit: Tom Olliver)
(image credit: Dushan and Miae)
Why go anywhere at all?
Looking for information?
Sign clutter:
(image credit: Don Meeker)
On green... do what? -
Traffic lights in Paris: a heart-stopping experience -
(image credit: Celeste via Y. Jacquemin)
Happiness comes one way only:
(image credit: Tom Olliver)
(image credit: Blame it on the voices)
Greg Hewgill sent in this one with a link to the church, as well:
(image credit: Greg Hewgill)
This one says: "Driver! They wait for you at home..."
If I'd be that driver, I'd hesitate to come home to these creatures:
(image credit: Stuart Nicoll)
Warnings & Notices:
Could be useful for a lot of places:
(image credit: Reuben Miller)
Very effective:
Apparently the previous sign does not apply to this guy:
or could be a little too late for this one:
Good deterrent?
(image credit: SayNoToCrack)
This one is quickly becoming a classic:
Not very clear on the message -
(image credit: Oddee)
(image credit: bitsandpieces)
A few hilarious sign options from Zoned.dk site:
(images credit: Zoned.dk)
(image credit: Stefson)
(image credit: Kathleen Bennett)
(image credit: pizdaus)
Never approach helicopter uphill! -
Bad sign placement:
Same idea in this sign:
(image credit: L. Lapsus, via ZigCat)
Billboard signs:
(image credit: Scary Ideas)
(image credit: papazoo)
This board is located on a tourist trail "Troll Ladder" in Norway:
(image credit: Till Fahrendorf)
People holding signs:
(image credit: sv216)
(image credit: listverse)
(image credit: sv216)
in WC:
Pissing and Whistling Prohibited:
(image credit: travel happy)
This switch does not conserve electricity:
(image credit: Kirill Afonin)
Missing numbers (when you are a few numbers short in the set):
Source: Exler
(image credit: Blame it on the voices)
Working hard? Hardly working:
Labels & Stickers:
This one is a classic:
(image credit: Bits & Pieces)
(image credit: Bits & Pieces)
I learned something new from this one:
Mangled meaning:
This one actually says: "Stop Rheumatism" -
Source: Exler
Actual logo of some company:
(images credit: Oddee)
Our traditional MYSTERY SIGN:
(image credit: Chris Mitchell)
This one was easy.
Here is another one:
(image credit: Irish Dave)
Permanent Link...
Category: Weird Signs,Funny Pics
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