Aerial Beauty That Just May Save Your Soul
Decoy flares, "angel decoys" - as part of aerial countermeasures these heavenly pyrotechnics will protect the plane from possible missile danger when launched.
IR-decoy flares serve to counter infrared-guided surface-to-air missiles (SAM) or air-to-air missiles (AAM) and contain pyrotechnic and pyrophoric payloads, expelled from a craft according to an anticipated threat. Gorgeous display of Gandalf's fireworks shortly follows:
(image credit: Sameli)
(image credit: Defenselink)
On the following series of photos a pilot of a Russian military Air Force performs with his SU-27 jet fighter, during the Monino air show:
(photos by AFP / Mladen Antonov)
The AC-130H Spectre gunship becomes a "spectre" indeed:
(image credit: panzerwaffen43)
(image credit: kd5gxs)
(image credit: UK Ministry of Defense)
The most-often-referred-to-as-"AMAZING" image on the internet:
(U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Russell E. Cooley IV)
Clear skies ahead, again.
Sources: US Military, UK Ministry of Defense, Xinhuanet News, Ochevidec)
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Category: Airplanes,Military
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