Cameras for Spies and Other Lovers of Inconspicuous Photography
(vintage collection)
This is the famous "Brownie" camera from Kodak. The Brownie popularized low-cost photography and introduced the concept of the snapshot (first model dates from 1900)
A later model (art deco style from the Thirties):
Scovill Antique Oak Detective Camera:
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No serious antique mini camera collection could be complete without the Coronet Midget Camera which was made in England in 1935:
"The Combi":
Mec-16 in gold finish:
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For the utmost in rare camera items, check out this miniature camera, used by Japan Police in the Fifties: (source
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Not that rare, but pretty spiffy is another vintage Japanese product:
Hit Type Crystar camera (1956 model)
It had many variations, made by little-known companies.
If you doubt that a camera like this could take "real" pictures, take a look at the shots here
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a couple of miniature cameras from Steky (Japan):
Sources: Botinok, more photos are at
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