Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Unexplained NASA Incident
(UFO?) NASA's unexplained tether overload incident:
(Note: DRB is extremely skeptical about UFOs, but we are always fascinated by mysteries)
"NASA ex-employee tells about the Tether being used as a ruler: it is known that the tether is 12 Miles long, and many of the "objects" in the video are flying behind the tether, so the diameter of these objects is over one mile!"
Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.
(click to enlarge)
Very stylish night-time view by Matthias Sanne
According to this article, U.S. saving's rate is 2% vs. China's 40%
The Tentacle Heart
- via
Ben Lawson literally "puts heart" into his illustrations:
And who might you be?
Mixed fresh links for today:
Mars Mission that could have been - [retro-future]
The Brick Testament: Bible in Lego - [geek art] - via
Cut-away car illustrations - [auto art] - via
Very...strange... oldest roadmap of Britain - [vintage]
Why we shiver when peeing - [weird]
LOLTurtle! - [picture]
The World of Fancy Steam Engines, site - [vintage]
Lobster Love Triangle (nsfw?) - [fun video]
How not to lift a vehicle - [fun video] - via
"What kind of person are you?"
- neat little poll on PollsBoutique.
Here's more, if you're into that kind of thing.
(original unknown)
Sometimes the obvious is hardest to see...
(original unknown)
Interesting Surreal Artist
- via
Art by Jaroslaw Kukowski. Check out his site (some nsfw)
Paper Robots from Japan - via
An interesting development of origami skills. See full line-up here
Fascinating, even if not 100% true
(thanks Matthias for sending this link)
Dropas - 12,000 yr. old groovy record stones
High in the mountains of BayanKara-Ula, on the boarders of China and Tibet a team of archeologists discovered what appeared to be a kind of "Stone Age Gramophone record"...
Read the full article here, and even more concise info here
Addition to our "Best (ugly) faces" line-up
Mystery Picture
any context?..
Probably there is no other explanation than just a politically-confused dog sitting on top of Nazi's powerful gun.
Sinbad was the mascot of the US Coast Guard Cutter Campbell. As for the insignia on the gun, it is not political confusion but an indicator of the number of engagements by the cutter.
Here is the link to more info and pics: Sinbad
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