Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Ford Focus Orchestra
Hot on the heels of the beer bottle orchestra comes this collection of instruments made from various Ford Focus parts:
Ford Focus Transmission and Fender Bass:
Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
(original unknown)
You bag is hungry
Cool Shot of the Day
(in cooperation with National Geographic magazine)
Try to guess what this is - see the answer right after the set of links.
(image credit: National Geographic)
Mixed fresh links for today:
Intriguingly Unique Musical Instruments - [music]
Space actually has a distinct smell - [interesting]
The Shaved Bumblebee - [cool art]
The Rise of Slime: dangerous fireweed spread - [nature]
Pictures of Machines. Broken Old Machines - [photography]
What makes a great portrait? Artists Respond - [great pics]
When you could switch off entire internet - [fascinating]
Bizarre Traffic Incident - [wow video]
Trippy (vintage) animation - [music video]
Florida alligator nose detail in Big Cypress National Preserve.
(photo by Heather Green)
Winter car woes
Neat Landscaping Idea
crazy goat-keeping idea:
Ode to Time
(click to enlarge)
Handmade cut&paste collage by Roman Shebalin
Fantastic Japanese Art
just a sample:
(image credit: Ueda Fuco)
(image credit:
Catching some snow
(original unknown)
B-Movie Bliss
Some unidentified carnivorous plant:
Mad lady scientists:
Mystery Photo
Not quite Kraftwerk, but...
Permanent Link...
Dark Roasted Blend's Photography Gear Picks:
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