Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Bacteria's Sinister Division
The power of a simple division in two:
- via
To give you some perspective - according to some sources, if one bacteria will keep dividing like that for 36 hours - then the whole Earth will be covered in a 30 cm high surface layer of bacteria. "The Blob" movie will come true on a grand scale... We are lucky bacterias do not keep replicating like that all the rime.
Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.
Bad, bad Bush:
This is Photoshop, of course, thank goodness.
This interesting picture of Bill Gates is real:
Absolutely Gorgeous Photography
Marko Rantanen's portfolio at once terrifies and amazes. One of the best creative advertisements on the web:
Opera lives inside of us:
(images credit: Marko Rantanen)
Cool Shot of the Day
(in cooperation with National Geographic magazine)
Lenticulars at Sunrise
(image credit: National Geographic)
Photo by Mitch Sanders -
It was early morning just north of Shishaldon Island in the Bering Sea. I was woken to 'see something'. I made my way out on the deck of our trawler, and to my surprise there was the most intense, beautiful sunrise I had ever seen at sea. The snow covered, smoking crater of Shishaldon, a still active volcano in the Aleutian Island chain, capped off this magnificent display.
Check out our gallery of lenticulars and other extreme clouds here.
The Water Palace
Located in Jaipur, India, in the middle of a shallow lake, sometimes it's enchantingly lit up at night:
(image credit: Alok Verma)
Mixed fresh links for today:
The Hidden Underwater Life of the Internet - [fascinating]
New photos of Mercury - previously unseen areas - [space]
New Mammal Discovered - [nature]
Hilarious Reddit joke thread - [funny]
Digital Mona Lisa, 1964 - [cool art]
Scans of the 1978 book about the future - [futurism]
Animals caught in unspeakable act (sfw) - [fun video]
Matt Damon (almost) appears on TV show - [fun video]
Time Stops! Flash Mob at Grand Central - [wow video]
Update to our "Funny Kiddies" article
Example of a pointless activity... or is it urban art?
(original unknown)
This is very cool, albeit incomprehesible:
900 meters straight down
An update picture for our Norwegian fjords article:
(click to enlarge)
Cat Friday
Kitties from hell:
The news were scary today...
(original unknown)
Permanent Link...
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