Also Read Part 1 & Part 2
"Beetle" Mania Shows No Sign of Abating
When people see a Volkswagen Beetle they usually feel warm and comfortable about its all-too-familiar compact shape; but more often than not, they also want to customize the HECK OUT OF IT!! And so it goes... endless variations, iterations, abominations - all bound to grace (or curse) your neighborhood roadways.
First, a little history:
Precursor of VW Beetle: a Mercedes!!
Among many prototypes that led to creation of the original "people's car" in Nazi Germany were a few that can leave you scratching your head. For example, this is a Mercedes compact car, which looks pretty darn good - then why did it not go into production? Imagine a Mercedes "Beetle" instead....
(image credit: "Mercedes-Benz Silver Star Century" by Dennis Adler)
And now, for the main course:
(including a few iconic VW van modifications, as well)
Cool-looking roadster, built on 1965 Beetle base:
(image credit: MR38)
Greenery grows well on Beetle "carapaces":
(image copyright: Andrea Caranti)
(image credit: Daniel Mauermann) - via
Joe Gomez of San Antonio, Texas (and two other people who had the same idea) made the Wrought Iron VW:
(image credit: WroughtIronVW)
(image credit: yeeliberto)
(image credit: James Tworow)
"Glass Quilt" VW - made from marbles & stained-glass by Ron Dolce of Oakland, California (laying the glass and 10,000 glass marbles took him 18 years! Wow.)
(image credit: GlassQuilt)
Here is less functional, but also filled with marbles, GLASS version:
(image credit: Andrea C.)
Mini-Beetle by Lance Greathouse:
(images credit: Lance Greathouse)
This skating "mod" is based on VW Beetle chassis:
(sent in by VolkSkate)
VW Yin-Yang sculpture:
(image credit: Claudio Lara)
Speaking of art, the Fremont Troll has a VW Beetle for breakfast in Seattle:
(image credit: Wade Griffith)
All the parts are clearly visible in this installation:
(image credit: Olivia)
Some modifications are definitely not mobile any more:
1968 VW bus with 1964 bug top:
(sent in by VolkSkate)
(image credit: Chris Iwanowski)
This camping set-up is even cuter:
(image credit: Kath & Theo)
Macho bus:
(seen in Anchorage, Alaska)
(image credit: Steve N.)
Good idea for an ad:
(image credit: Uli Rahms)
Vans getting smaller... and smaller...
(image credit: only-connect)
(image credit: Tom Skinner)
(image credit: Mary-Austin & Scott)
(image credit: Jan Tonnesen)
And then there is a heart... that seems to be broken:
(image credit: Nick Harris)
Only natural to cover VW bus with live flowers and call it "Flower Power":
(image credit: Leandro Pena)
A few terrifying "ghost" cars:
(image credit: Steven Miller)
(image credit: Larry Miller)
This one has a better "ghost" existence, as it actually has upgraded wheels and engine inside:
(image credit: zeitraster)
Even when dead, in their "afterlife", the VWs can look alluring:
(image credit: Helmut Gondim)
(image credit: Leila)
or downright scary:
(image credit: Mark /ZmanPhoto)
UnintellegiBill took a picture of what he describes as a "redneck Christmas" decoration:
(image credit: unintellegiBill)
Even in their "original" form, beetles and ladybugs can have traffic jams:
(image credit: Chris)
Other Sources: Volksrod
Also Read Part 1 & Part 2
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Category: Automobile,Weird
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