Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Pedal Car gets pulled over
The Blues Brothers might not consider it to be a good getaway vehicle, but if you feel compelled to drive one, be aware of the cops. They do not seem to like this (why, I can not fathom)
Today's pictures & links:
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Inconceivable Turtle Upgrade
Would you do this to your pet animal? This turtle probably does not mind, but it's still strange to see the slow-moving animal turned into this guy's private Salvador Dali crawling piece of surrealism. He "glued" fur on its shell, presumably artistically. You decide.
Retro-Space Art, one more
I really liked this rarely-seen piece of art, called "Travel to Distant Worlds" (an illustration to Karl Gilzin's 1958 book). It is an understated, moody and mysterious piece.
(original unknown)
Blue Lagoon (inside a rock)
If you remember our article Fantastic Gemstones, this picture will add to the spectacular collection of nature's rocks. Irene Muller justly calls this picture "Blue Lagoon", waiting to be discovered inside a stone:
(image credit: Irene Muller, used by permission)
Mixed fresh links for today:
Eerie Sounds of an Aurora - [fascinating]
Some Neat Streamlined Retro Tech here - [vintage]
Mysterious Radio Number Stations - [interesting]
Record-setting City Roads & Streets - [urban]
Monkey brains control robot legs - [tech]
Revolution in the Bedroom - [weird, sfw]
Mug Shots: a fun pet photo contest - [cute site]
Old, but still useful tip: ATM scam - [tip]
Radical Bicycle Stunts - [wow video]
Neat Job
Friends Forever!
Black-and-White Postcards, the Classic Way
Pacco J. Pompei has a good collection of vintage postcards in his flickr set. He also does professional hand-tinting, his company in business for 25 years. He says "we employ only classical techniques... When history is written, those who have negatives and hand-developed prints will have works of Art that will be priceless."
Lourdes, France
Wernigerode a. Harz, Germany
Merano, Italy
Intricate Nail Art
From the "forwarded by grandma" department comes this series of nice nail art pictures:
(original unknown)
According to Make:Blog,
These are the works of Albanian artist Saimir Strati. The nail mosaic was named "The Largest Nail Mosaic" on September 4th, 2006.
"I have lost count of the nails, but I think it was around 400 kilos (880 pounds) of nails. I have used different nails. The condition was they should be industrial nails and they are," Strati said. "My technique resembles (digital) camera pixels. I have used a nail for each pixel," he told Reuters.
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