Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Rubik's Robot
This Kawasaki model can put it together in 4 minutes.
Some humans can do it in 10 seconds. Good for us!
See also another video of human vs. robot Rubik competition here.
Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.
Russian Vintage Robots
Some of them were truly ugly:
Here is the famous American vintage robot, just for comparison.
(original unknown)
However Russians had a concept of nearly Japanese-style walking mecha-suit, which they would use in Siberian taiga (wild forest):
(source: TM, Russia 1974)
Russian vintage robot toys were much cuter:
Folk-style painted cars:
Pakistan trucks:
covered with keyboard keys:
(originals unknown)
Steampunk Computer Mouse
Very cool little device: "The Bug", made by Jacob Hildebrandt. See more info here, including a creepy eyeball connection. Also see this flickr set for more pictures.
Mixed fresh links for today:
2007 Robot of the Year - [tech]
The Death of High Fidelity - [thought-provoking]
LP Sleeve face illusions, some nsfw - [cool site]
Architectural Illusion - [picture]
Extreme Japanese Custom Vans - [auto]
Age of the Universe depends on your location - [science] - via
Starbucks kills small cofeeshops? Maybe not. - [article]
Parallel Parking Device - [cool video]
Luxury Toilet inside Aquarium - [wow video]
First Email Ad
You've probably seen this ad before (it has been made popular once on the web) - but it's worth a second look.
(click to enlarge)
Art Made by Animals
At TurtleKiss site they feature a living artistically-inclined TURTLE:
(images credit: TurtleKiss)
Koopa is a professional painting turtle. Koopa's created over 750 original abstract artworks over the last 5 years, and he's got at least one painting in each of the 50 U.S states.
This wonderful turtle is not alone in such creative expression, by any means. There are a lot of painting animals...elephants, chimps, dolphins, seals, penguins, cats, dogs, roosters, etc.
Here is a site full of drawings by an elephant:
A collection of brilliantly colourful abstract works by a chimpanzee named Congo whose work was also believed to be owned by Picasso:
(image credit: abstractdeviants)
Sammy, a foxhound mix, uses a paintbrush attached to a rubber bone to paint a canvas:
((Photo: AP Photo/Matthew S. Gunby)
Cool Dinosaur Vintage Animatronics
(click to enlarge)
(image credit: Modern Mechanix)
...on such a winter's day:
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