#127 - Week of February 11, 2010
Experience the Planets: Great Solar System Art - [start of the project]
Fascinating: Common Misconceptions - [wiki article]
Great Time-lapse Video of Vancouver, the Olympic City - [beautiful]
Marree Man and other Geoglyphs - [wow art]
New Aerial Photos of September 11 Attack Released - [gallery]
Various Steampunk Mice - [some are gross]
Andrew Zuckerman: Stunning Photography of Birds - [unusual angles]
A Murder Of Crows and A Confusion of Weasels - [cool words]
Also: Suggested Fictitious Collective Nouns - [funny]
Light Painting with... Moth Trails - [gallery, scroll down]
The Known Universe (zooms out from Tibet) - [wow video]
Futuristic Sliding Wall System - [24 different room combinations]
Unusual Taxis Around The World - [weird auto]
Climbing Through Berlin's Spy Labyrinths - [urban exploring video]
Minimalist Star Wars Posters - [tour the planets!]
Another Awesome Star Wars Surreal Project - [extreme art]
Screw-in Coffin - [convenient?]
Killer Dolphins... Unexpected Cruelty - [weird nature]
"Sky", Spectacular Dubai Skyline Video - [cool video]
Cat Petting Coffee Houses in Japan - [only natural]
America's Vanishing Quiet Spaces - [interesting point]
This Group Started British Invasion in America - [revealing interview]
Airplane Hangar Roof Caves in, Crushing Airplanes - [photos, scroll]
Cat Boldly Attacks a Bear and... Wins - [wow video]
Another Extremely Cool and Composed Cat - [neat video]
Very Touching: Always Wear a Seat Belt - [cool video ad]
Hummer Submerged in a River - [car video]
Simon's Cat: Snow Business - [fun video]
Ultramodern & Futuristic Mobile Homes - [collection]
Video-based tips for iPhone users - [promotion]
Dual-Purpose Geeky Neckties - [compilation]
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