#110 - Week of May 11, 2009
Noah's Ark in Hong Kong and other places - [fascinating]
The Most Dangerous Species in the Mediterranean, site - [surprise]
Here Comes the Flu! - surreal art, more - [weird art]
Nano-fiber Blob Robot - [from Japan, of course]
Navigating a huge ship: night time, day time - [wow videos]
Mood Map of the US: stress chart - [interesting]
Impressive video of Guam's undersea volcano - [nature]
Haunting Tables: with no legs, Bloodspill - [design]
Shedding light on the Universe' dark force - [space]
Recent brand overhauls: win, or fail? - [design]
Office building merged with a forest - [great idea!]
Conversation with a Nigerian scammer - [addictive reading]
Sony product timeline, bigger - [cool chart]
Maybe you shouldn't buy that - [cool site]
Hidden symbols in popular logos - [cool design]
Crazy comics, some nsfw, some examples - [weird]
How much sugar are you eating: shocking truth - [visualization]
Poets ranked by beard weight - [weird]
Horses wearing dresses - [so utterly bizarre]
3-D Candy printer prints ridiculous huge candies - [tech]
Epic Mousetrap Fail - [fun video]
Tiny Ocelot Kittens - [cute video]
The Organ Player with... gremlins? - [cool video ad]
Danny MacAskill: Parkour on wheels - [wow video]
Yawn of the Dead: nice spoof - [fun video, gross?]
Little girl sings jazz in Russia, 1967, wow - [video]
Vincent: a short animation by Tim Burton, 1982 - [short film]
Make stunning Flash websites for free! - [promotion]
Most Controversial Movies - [overview]
The Fastest Computer Setup on Earth - [promotion]
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