Mind-Shattering Novels of Philip K. Dick

Best space/time mind puzzles you're going to enjoy this side of eternity

Philip K. Dick was abducted by... his own mind, and wrote about it for as long as SF industry would publish it. Which is extremely lucky for millions of his fans, me included.

Unless you are a particle physicist (for whom nothing is as it seems anyway), you're not likely to meet as many convoluted and unpredictable ideas and storylines as in Philip K. Dick's science fiction (the requirement, of course, is that it all still has to make coherent sense, otherwise we could just switch on Douglas Adams' Improbability Drive and publish the outcome).

PKD was a one-man factory of Apocalyptic "What-ifs?", staggering in their scope and suggested outcomes. His stories are often dark in tone, but intensely satisfying: crammed with concepts and ideas, tightly written and pretty much unforgettable.

This week over at SF.DRB site:

Avi Abrams and M. Christian review three of the most surreal novels by Philip K. Dick: "UBIK, "Now Wait For Last Year" and "The Penultimate Truth"

At the end of the book, the multiple past-lines and clones of main personalities will spiral out of control - and then the plot itself, like a crazed centipede, will trip over its hallucinogenic legs, curl up in despair and die, unable to resolve the complexities of its existence...

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Artwork courtesy Tim Warnock

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Artwork courtesy Tim Warnock


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