Accidents Big and Small

Nothing is as fascinating as an unexplained accident...

There is more to ogle and stare at (in stupefaction) here than inside Encyclopedia Britannica. Some accident cases still defy explanation, others are just weird no matter how many explanations are offered.

One-In-A-Million Collisions

From satellites to submarines and asteroids
Train Wrecks!

Some of the most spectacular, caught on camera
"Cars & Trucks" series:


Weirdest Accidents
Oops! Weirdest Accidents,
Part 2

How on earth did that happen?!
Oops! Weirdest Accidents,
Part 3

Cars & trucks facing bizarre predicaments
Oops! Weirdest Accidents, Part 4

How truck drivers get fired... and more
Oops! Weirdest Accidents, Part 5

Perplexing... Mysterious...

"Airplanes" series:

Airplane "Oops!" Situations

Better on the ground than in the air
Airplane Oops! Situations
Part 2

Aviation Safety for Dummies

"Military" series:

Tank Accidents!

I am invincible!!.. Not quite.
Tank Accidents! - Part 2

Not every tank likes a challenge
The Biochemical "Oops" List

Welcome to Weirdsville: "I don't feel so good..."
The Thermonuclear
"Oops" List

Good Night... and Good Luck to us all

"Cranes & Construction" series:

All Cranes Are Doomed

Crane Accidents!
Heavy Machinery Acrobatics

The Trick is Knowing When to Stop
Heavy Machinery Acrobatics,
Part 2

The heavier they are, the louder they crash
Big Rig & Truck Accidents

Take care when driving big & heavy rigs

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