Animal Comedy Club, in Full Swing
You'll see the cute, the ugly and the hilarious ones - all pictures taken in that special moment when animal expressions are the most natural and full of meaning. Also watch for the unique interactions between animals, and animals with humans - often source for a pure comedy gold.
Traditionally, we start with cutest ones:
(image credit: Eugene Zhukovsky)
This is Dik-dik, a small antelope that lives in the Southern and Eastern Africa. The other cutie-pie: small fennec fox -
(image credit: floridapfe)
(Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images)
Beyond Cute: Giraffe Baby! -
Read the article here. Newborn giraffe Margaret at Chester Zoo, UK is considered to be unusually small for her species.
(images credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
Wild turkey, all puffed up:
(image credit: Steve Elliott)
Hyena's tongue:
(actually, it's a xoloitzcuintle dog)
Eagle Owl babies -
(image credit: suzaku-ekb)
Beauty is in the eye of a beholder:
The latest in the "washing the cat" sub-genre:
Cats & Dogs express themselves:
(photo by M. Plonsky)
The one above is most certainly Photoshopped, we fear :)
"Prayer Bear" -
(image credit: ucumari)
All done, bye now:
(original unknown)
Bird's Life:
(original unknown)
One-Day Old Magpie:
(image credit: Jiri Anderle)
Human / Animal Interaction:
This elephant was enjoying a good time at the zoo, until this BIG mistake:
Would you like to save a homeless elephant?
(original unknown)
Careful with this water bucket:
(photo by Phil "tigertoy" Parker)
Get me outa here! -
Crocs & Alligators:
Frogs & Snails:
(image credit: Garron Nicholls)
These birds and critters seem to have a very intense life:
(photoshop section)
(image credit: Dave Lee)
(original unknown)
For uncredited photos please let us know who the original photographers are, so that we could include this info.
Read previous parts here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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Category: Animals,Funny Pics
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