Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Warped Building in Paris
Seem to be an illusion, but it's not. Reflective surfaces combine to make up the most fascinating facade.
Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.
Stainless Steel Bug Wants You
Impressive work by Russian sculptor Andrew Severynko:
(image credit: Andrew Severynko)
Nuclear Kitchen
Here is a nuclear plant near Frankfurt, Germany
(image credit: Michi)
The similar smoke "footprint" of civilization is visible on a photo from Letchik Lekha.
Voronezh Nuclear Plant, Russia -
(images credit: Letchik Lekha)
New work by Erlend Mork, that he sent our way. As always, surreal & serene.
(click to enlarge)
(image credit: Erlend Mork)
Mixed fresh links for today:
Awesome Fractal Contest Winners - [cool art]
Soviet Surprise for Polar Scientists - [weird]
Unique Metal Sculptures - [art]
Jupiter Rings Revealed - [space]
Shadow Street - [photo]
Why It’s Dangerous Not To Do What You Love - [useful]
Dancing Store Clerk - [silly video]
Mana Mana - [fun video]
Making Music... Making "Money" - [car video]
Umbrella distributing machine in Japan:
(addition to our article "Vending Machines Craze in Japan")
Llama sitting down, looking like a worm:
(image credit:
(image credit: Paxton Holley)
Great new (old) sport
(image credit: asoftblackstar)
How to peel an orange
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