It seemed like a good idea at the time...
Continuing in the fun spirit of it all, we present you another bunch of the inventive and ridiculous achievements of people all over the world. No obstacle is too big, no idea is too outrageous, if you are brave (or silly) enough to go ahead and try it. Most of situations depicted here result from a sheer necessity, not idle experimentation, though. Thanks to all who sent us the pics included here.
Most of the source sites and emails for these pictures do not credit the original photographers, so please help us with identification so that we could include this info on the page.
Creative loads:
(image credit: Moobol.com, Stephen Frost of CSR-Asia.com)
Creative, but still overloaded:
(image credit: Dasar)
Too close for comfort:
Creative Do-it-Yourself projects:
nice headphones -
how to fix a tire -
know your helmet:
speaking of head protection, here's a cool application in construction:
Car-related projects:
on rails -
on logs -
seriously lost -
interior design -
air-conditioning -
serious fire power -
In need of urban privacy? -
Other fascinating living space conversions:
(photo by Yoan Jacquemin, taken in French Pyrenees)
guard your bike?
Park your jet:
NOTE: Frebro says, "That's a Swedish SAAB Gripen fighter jet. In Sweden highways are sometimes used as runways for military exercises."
It's also possible that this picture is taken at the Swedish Air Force base in Såtenäs (Flotilla number 7). The base is very picturesque.. they actually taxi from the bomb-proof shelters out to the runway through scenery like this.
Grow mushrooms inside your computer (or actually, dry them and make a nice soup) -
maybe it's time to upgrade? -
Various Daring Acts and Silly Skills
Some people like to cross the bridges... the wrong way:
A new fad in Japan: pretty girls climbing the power-lines -
(filmed for major TV networks)
Army to the Rescue!
Not a big deal, apparently. Watch this video (till the end) to learn how a Chinook helicopter picks up Navy Seals on their Zodiac:
This guy is very confident in what he's doing, so maybe it's safe -
not so safe here:
Classic air-conditioning installation:
It takes some skill to throw a watermelon -
(image credit: hiroiro.com)
"Multiple choice" problem:
Here is an ultimate oops: a dropped nuclear weapon, or two -
(Source: 59.com.ru)
Send us more hilarious and inventive situations around you!
See the whole "Never Give Up! Lords of the Logistics" Series - Click Here
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Category: Funny Pics,Weird
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