As a proud father of 2 months old baby
I can certainly sympathize!..
(image credit: Reuters, via)
US President George W Bush holds a baby in Trinwillershagen, Germany
and a few other babies before:
There is something irresistible about pictures of Presidents holding babies.
Here is Bill Clinton:
George Bush holding George Bush:
Ronald Reagan with a baby:
... and with a baby elephant:
Jimmy Carter:
Woodrow Wilson
Theodore Rooseveldt:
... will be updated, if we locate more :)
on a more sinister note:
The little girl photographed here with Stalin in 1936 (Gelya Markizova) presented him with a bouquet of flowers (the photo was cropped to eliminate another figure who appeared to the side of Stalin, the first secretary of the Buryat Mongol ASSR, M.I. Erbanov). The story of this girl after this is quite tragic. Her parents were murdered just a year after the photograph was taken. The father, second secretary of the Buryat Mongol ASSR, was charged with spying for Japan and shot; the mother was killed as the wife of an enemy of the people.
Apparently you'd be significantly safer if you hugged him yourself.
(the girl who hugged him here ended up fine, to the best of our knowledge)
You can be only glad that other communist leaders had little interest in holding babies, and instead either hugged each other:
(Khrushchev and Castro)
or were distracted in other ways:
(Leonid Brezhnev)
Images credit: Telegraph, Reuters, RIA Novosti and ChinaDaily,
Theodore Rooseveldt Collection
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