It's All About Fractals, Baby

Link - by A. Abrams

News from the Fractal Front:

We are starting our "Fractal Art" series with the work by Nicholas Rougeux, which is so singularly spectacular that a visit to his gallery of fractal images is simply "a must":

"Origination" and "Jubilation" - by Nicholas Rougeux,

Really "wild and woolly" (but also very soothing) fractal art by Cory Ench:

See a lot more in his gallery.

You can also extrude fractals in 3-D and map the surfaces, producing stunning creations like "The Jewelled Tree" - named "the best 3D fractal design" (created by Xenodream)

(image credit: Xenodream)

A note for geeks: there is a software package for making "flame fractals"... that are even more enchanting than the "plain" ones. (more info and images) The ones shown here were created by Roger Johnston:

(images credit: Roger Johnston)

Apparently, if you point your video camera toward a TV screen, you might get a fractal distortion, such as this: (here is a page with more screen shots)

Not necessarily a fractal, but extremely organized and sophisticated Mother Nature Masterpiece

If we look at snow crystals through an electronic microscope, we'll see the array of astonishing forms... Crystals could be called the opposite of fractal forms, as they are finite and strictly structured, but just as mesmerizing.

(images credit:

See more images like these on this page


Also see: Fractals for Food, Pre-Fractal Art

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