#15 - Week of June 24, 2007
The Mini-revolt of Mika Brzezinski - [respect]
Nightfall: Earth's uncontrolled rotation - [fun article]
Hair-raising Manitoba Tornado Video - [extreme weather]
CIA declassifies Top Secret documents - [full catalog]
The Ultimate List of Hoaxes - [wiki]
Spectacular 360 panorama of Sydney Harbor - [VR], via
Extreme: Space Diving - [space tech]
360 Panoramas of Moon Landings - [space]
Seeds: a micrography - [pictures]
Japan's Kit Kat Kraze - [yummy!]
A computer so small, it fits in a wall socket - [tech]
Motorcycle sculptures made out of used watch parts - [art]
10 Strangest Weapons through History - [interesting]
Apple Evolution: 1976 through 2007 - [chart]
How to pour Ketchup. Full technical explanation. - [useful?]
Weird Campers & RVs - [photos]
10 Dangerous First Aid Myths - [health]
Coolest Firetruck Ever - [auto]
What the heck is electronic mail? - [1977 ad] via
Turkey from 1000 ft. - [travel] [photography]
Dream Anatomy: Gallery - [fascinating]
Marilyn Monroe's birthday - [vintage photos]
Insurance ad: miserable situation - [video] [cool ads]
What kids can do to a train - [video]
Fresh Music Style: Hip Hop Violin - [video]
Summertime: get free icecream